Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A few fun pictures!

 Here are a couple fun pictures from our special time with Uncle Joe and family! (Sorry I don't have any of Aunt Cathy or Jackson!) We had so much fun and miss you guys!

                                                              Danek and Eleanor

                                       Owen, Eleanor, Danek (and the back of Olivia's head :)

                                                       Aiden, Jackson and Uncle Joe



                                                          Liam, Danek, Owen, and Eleanor

                                                                     Owen and Eleanor

....I didn't have very many pictures, { :( } but there's a few for ya. Love & miss you guys!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! (and other topics)

...sadly though, it's a little late for that. So over here at the Lyerla's house it was in the 40's but now it's in the upper teens and snowing like crazy! Well anyway, I'm just going to let you know I probably won't get to post much (like I have been :) ) for a while, as I'm helping out a lot around the house extra because my mom has morning sickness. (Yes you read that right! #7 :) ) But I just wanted to encourage you to check out: You can find many encouraging posts, and a challenge to take the Joy Dare and record 1000 things you're thankful for in 2012! (don't we all need to be more thankful?)
And last but not least, thank you cousins Eli and Jack (and Uncle Joe and Aunt Cathy) for the fantastic time visiting! We will miss you!
And another last but not least, Happy 4th birthday Henry!
In Him,

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Our family has just started the book, "Peacemaking for Families" by Ken Sande. Tonight's chapter was on idolatry. We usaully think of idols as wooden or metal statues worshipped by pagans. And though we might 'know' that anything can be an idol, we can sometimes deny that we are 'that kind of person'. And often we deny that what are really idols in our hearts, are really idols. Here are a few questions that challenged me to check for idols in my own heart.
1. What am I preoccupied with? (What do I think about when I wake up and go to sleep?)
2. (Fill in the blank) If only ________ then I would be happy, fulfilled, and secure.
3. What do I want to preserve or avoid?
4. Where do I put my trust?
5. What do I fear?
6. When a certain desire isnt met, do I feel frustration, anxiety, resentment, bitterness, anger, or depression?
7. Is there something I desire so much that I am willing to disappoint or hurt others in order to have it?

Two other things I learned, are 1) idols don't have to be bad desires to be bad, and 2) idolatry is something that happens when we're not fully satisfied with God.
The good side? God offers forgiveness and the power to overcome these sins, if we will repent and turn to him!...Well these are just a few scattered thoughts that I've tried to put into words, but I hope they at least gave you a general idea :)
I pray God will bless today and all this next week to all of you!

Monday, January 2, 2012

There is room in my heart for Thee!

These two verses are from one of my favorite hymns, "Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne", and I just thought I'd share them...

Heavens arches rang
When the angels sang
Proclaiming Thy royal degree;
But of lowly birth Didst Thou come to earth
And in great humility.
O come to my heart Lord Jesus,
There is room in my heart for Thee!

When the heav'ns shall ring
And the angels sing
At Thy coming to victory
Let thy voice call me home, saying "yet there is room
There is room at my side for thee"
My heart shall rejoice, Lord Jesus,
When Thou comest and callest for me!

- Emily E.S. Elliott