Saturday, February 16, 2013

Randomness :)

So what ever happened to the things I promised to post, you may ask? You may ask. But, unfortunately I have no answer. So, I have something else to share with you for now, to hold you over :D. First a quote by Robert Burns, an 18th century Scotish (<3 face="inherit" font="" nbsp="">poet, and secondly, an amazingly moving video clip from the SAICFF. (In case you don't know, that's the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival, aka. the Christian Oscars. 2013's  Grand Prize winner was 22 year old Bryan Ivie, who won the $101,000 prize for his movie, the Drop Box.) 

First, the Robert Burns paraphrase of Psalm 1.... I posted this for a poem column on my friend's blog and thought I'd share. Here goes... "This month's encouraging poem was written in the 18th century by poet Robert Burns....I hope you enjoy it!

Source: via Madi on Pinterest

Psalm 1 - Paraphrased by Robert Burns

The man, in life wherever plac'd,
Hath happiness in store,
Who walks not in the wicked's way,
Nor learns their guilty lore!

Nor from the seat of scornful pride
Casts forth his eyes abroad,
But with humility ascnd awe
Still walks before his God.

That man shall flourish like the trees,
Which by the streamlets grow;
The fruitful top is spread on high,
And firm the root below.

But he whose blossom buds in guilt
Shall to the ground be cast,
And, like the rootless stubble, tost
Before the sweeping blast.

For why? that God the good adore,
Hath giv'n them peace and rest,
But hath decreed that wicked men
Shall ne'er be truly blest.

As I was thinking about this, it caught my attention how perhaps by paraphrasing this the author was thinking of some specific ways of applying this, (if that makes sense). My point being, that I would like to encourage you each to find a psalm or other passage of the bible and 'paraphrase' it, maybe making some lines stand out in a way that will challenge or remind you of something you need to work on, etc. As you write, meditate on what God is saying here. Remember to walk before God with humility and awe, that you may be truly blest! God bless each one of you!
...Okay, so that wasn't too bad...but I think you will enjoy this!

I hope you enjoyed it!
See you next week...hopefully :)
Love in Christ,

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