One step and then another,
And the longest walk is ended;
One stitch and then another,
And the largest rent is mended.
One brick and then another,
And the highest wall is made;
One flake upon another,
And the deepest snow is laid.
So little coral workers,
By their slow and constant motion,
Have built those pretty islands.
In the distant dark blue ocean.
And the noblest undertakings
Man’s wisdom has conceived,
By oft-repeated effort,
Have been patiently achieved.
Then do not look disheartened
On the work you have to do,
And say that such a mighty task
You never can get through;
But just endeavor day by day
Another point to gain,
And soon the mountain which you feared
Will prove to be a plain.
Rome was not builded in a day,
The ancient proverb teaches;
And nature, by her trees and flowers ,
The same sweet sermon preaches.
Think not of far-off duties,
But of duties which are near;
And having once begun to work’
Resolve to persevere.
- Author Unknown
Dear Madison Joy!
ReplyDeleteI just ask that you would please pray for my sweet little bunny rabbit! He is in critical condition right now at the vet's office. He is such a sweet little friend for me, since I have had him since he was about 6 weeks old, and I was about 9. He is now going to be 4 in November. He is bloated, has severe diarrea,
doesn't hardly have any appetite, and doesn't want hardly any water. He is getting fluids pumped into him, right now, at the vet. He is so dear to me, and I would hate SO terribly to loose him. I just thought that I would ask of you to pray for him! :) {Also, please pray for this is a VERY hard thing to go through...I'm sure you can probably relate! ;)} His name is Mr. Buster Brown. :) He is white with brown spots...a Mini Rex bunny.
I have had 4 other bunnies, which have all died, or we had to put down, so in other words, I know the pain and sadness of it! I SO BADLY don't want him to go!
Thank you so very much! I will try to update you soon.
Hope you are having a blessed day!
Love you,
Martha Joy
P.S. By the way, thanks for the poem! :)