Thursday, November 28, 2013

time out of mind at this turn of the seasons 
       when the hardy oak leaves rustle in the wind 
and the frost gives a tang to the air 
        and the dusk falls early 
and the friendly evenings lengthen under the heel of Orion, 
        it has seemed good to our people to join together 
in praising the Creator and Preserver, 
        who has brought us by a way that we did not know 
to the end of another year. 
         ...a day of public thanksgiving...
for the blessings that have been our common lot 
        and have placed our beloved State with the favored regions of earth --
for all the creature comforts: 
        the yield of the soil that has fed us 
and the richer yield from labor of every kind 
that has sustained our lives -- 
and for all those things, as dear as breath to the body, 
        that quicken man's faith in his manhood, 
that nourish and strengthen his spirit to do the great work still before him: 
for the brotherly word and act; 
for honor held above price; 
for steadfast courage and zeal in the long, long search after truth; 
for liberty and for justice freely granted by each to his fellow and so as freely enjoyed; 
and for the crowning glory and mercy of peace upon our land; -- 
that we may humbly take heart of these blessings 
as we gather once again with solemn and festive rites to keep our Harvest Home

1936 Thanksgiving proclamation of Connecticut Governor Wilbur L. Cross

happy thanksgiving dears!
xxx madison 

Monday, November 11, 2013


Well, I've been gone a long time! A really long time, actually. So if anyone still reads this anymore, this post is for you (and if not, I guess this one is for me :) What can be better than writing down inspiring quotes in your journal with a nice warm cup of tea ( with the Union Jack and 'keep calm' on the mug)?

(Via my pinterest)

(These next ones are via pinterest) 

See you again soon!
xxx madison

Friday, September 6, 2013

Being 'tortured' by godly principles....?

A German defends removing children

Dear friends, we recently received this email from HSLDA. I hope you'll take a moment to at least skim it. I found Mr. Schmidt's email a little shocking, honestly, though his views are quite popular, it seems. Please read this and take action, even it is just a prayer for the Wunderlich family! Let's wake up and realize how fast our culture is going downhill and away from any resemblance of core Christian values! Okay, there's my mini-rant for you. But really, please read....

Dear  ________,  

I received the following email from Mr. Stefan Schmidt in response to homeschoolers’ outrage at the shocking raid and forcible removal of the Wunderlich children. Please read my comments below and thentake action.

Reprinted in entirety and unedited:

-----Original Message-----

From: Stefan Schmidt [personal email address redacted]
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 7:31 AM
To: info 

Subject: Your article: Help the Wunderlichs Get Their Kids Back

Dear Mr. Farries,

It is absolutely shocking and unacceptable what has happened here.
Sorry, but I do NOT mean what happened in Germany, I meant your article.
I have never read an amount of arrogant, ignorant and stuff like this.

The pamphlet contains an incredible amount of polemic nonsense. It seems it only was written to gain attention for your questionable ambitions. It is absolutely unacceptable that you try to misuse, limit and influence the freedom of independent countries for your disputable goals.

Germany is NOT the United States of America.
Home Schooling is ILLEGAL by German Law.
We do neither want to know nor appreciate your opinion on our laws.
It is legal in the US so stay there and fight there.

The only thing the Wunderlichs, these so called parents, want is to prevent their children from a free and open minded view on the world. They want to force them into their own little world regardless of what the children want or not and only for religious reasons!

From the very beginning theses so called parents drummed their opinions and believes into these poor children. They never had a chance to build up their own opinion. This can be called torture and if for sure harms the children in their development to free, tolerant and open minded members of the society. Only to please the parents and only to spread the parents strange ideas, disgusting.

For my opinion these parents should be imprisoned and they should not be released before all of their children have finished school. Anyone, regardless of the reasons who harms his children, in whatever respect, should be removed from them immediately. If it happens for religious reasons the person should be jailed.

Kind regards 

Stefan Schmidt

Unfortunately, this viewpoint represents that of many in Germany. And it is essentially the official position on homeschooling enforced by the government and the courts.

It is also, frighteningly, the view of too many people even here in America.

In his email, Mr. Schmidt says that homeschooling prevents children from developing into “free, tolerant and open minded members of society.” And that “people who [homeschool] for religious reasons should be jailed.” Tolerant? Open-minded? Free? I don’t think Mr. Schmidt appreciates the irony of his statement.

Mr. Schmidt has it backwards.

A true liberal and democratic society or government does not kidnap children to enforce state-mandated education. In fact, basic human rights principles make the rights of parents to decide how children are educated more important than the very survival of the state itself (see article 4.2 of the ICCPR).

I want the American homeschool community and other friends of liberty to take note—this mindset isn’t limited to Germany. Many U.S. policymakers and academics agree with Mr. Schmidt’s views. They are even working to see them realized here. So far, thankfully, homeschooling isn’t a legitimate reason (anymore) for the government to kidnap your children if they don’t go to state approved schools. How long will that last?

When a democratic government like Germany can get away with this kind of human rights abuse—and it is a human rights abuse—without so much as a peep from other free governments, how safe is our liberty?

This battle is not just about homeschooling and not just about this family. This battle is about liberty. 

This is a battle for the basic, human, and God-given right of every family to decide how they want to live their lives. How they want to teach and to raise their children. What religious or philosophical views they want to believe and act upon.

Mr. Schmidts’ narrow-minded and intolerant views are the antithesis of the values/principles on which our republic was founded. Such views are antithetical to the fundamental human rights that every free country should protect—rights that Germany has even obligated itself to protect by signing over a dozen treaties. But Mr. Schmidt and many German officials think the government should enforce its view on its citizens. And they think the government should use force of every kind to see that goal achieved. Tolerant? Open minded? Free??

I don’t think so, do you?

My friends, liberty is under attack. Will you answer the call to defend it? Will you stand with me to support this family and liberty? Please call, email, fax, and write the German Embassy and the consulate in your area. It’s time German policymakers are confronted with the truth.

Thank you for your concern and care for this precious family. Stay tuned as we continue to work for the  release of these homeschooled children and support the family. HSLDA is helping with the legal efforts to reunite this family. You can join with us to fight for the Wunderlichs with your membership or a donation to the Homeschool Freedom Fund.
Standing with you for liberty,
Michael Farris
Thanks for reading! Comment and let me know what you think.....
❤ Madi

Thursday, September 5, 2013

summer...where are you going?

Fair are the blue skies
Ships setting sail-
The soft white pillows 
That act as a veil
But only a moment 
They're hiding its rays
The bright glowing sun 
Puts me into a daze
The birds chirping sweetly
So softly are flying
As earth lets out warm:
Soft contended sighing 
Oh happy-joy-tranquility
Few images surpass 
Those of small tender feet 
Running through dewy grass
Life's passing troubles
Of what consequence? 
Life is a simply complex summer dance
Gasping for breath. 
Nothing removes me from His joy-
Not e'en death!
I'll miss some steps
Stumble, and slip,
Caught back up again by a firm loving grip
My heart's dancing for joy and I'm falling on Him
Oh that I had the words to only express this deep sense of joy, this calm, happy rest. 

(Scattered thoughts from the beginning of summer that reminded me of the end of it. )

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

a poem

if life is short and fleeting
one thousand years a day
grass that lives and vanishes
a flood to wash away
Lord let my little moment
that vapor that is me
extol and glorify Thy name
until I can eternally

(inspired by the teaching of the wonderful Dr. David Murray)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wacky Wednesday

Being totally wacky and having tons of fun with Owen and Olivia: priceless!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

The Life Changer

A little snippet of my life and how it's changed.

The Life Changer
It was exciting, but uncertain.  Tomorrow wasn't just any other sunday, something special was going to happen.  It didn't seem too strange, our family had done this kind of thing before; I had just left my friends Nastya, Katya, Pavla, and Manue in St. Petersburg, and readjusted to a new church with new friends back home.  The Lord gave my dad a heart for ministry and now it seemed like He was leading us to something new- starting a church.  (In our own house, too!)  A whole new life was before us.  One that has opened opportunities, showered blessings, and taught us lessons we still haven't fully understood yet. 
Trust Him.  It seems so simple, doesn't it?  Trusting God seems so simple until, well, until you have to do it.  Do we ever really understand trusting Him until relationships, complex situations, or our own lives get messy, confusing, and difficult?  God has used those kinds of situations in ministry, and my parents' example of faith, to give me a glimpse of what trusting HIm really looks like.  
"To love at all is to be vulnerable." C.S. Lewis
There you have it, the honest, painful, truth.  To love at all is to be vulnerable.  It has always been hard for me to go meet the shy young girl who comes through the door on Sunday morning.  Gradually we get to know each other, until I can hardly imagine not seeing her every week.  People from all walks of life come to church to hear God's Word; some are easy to love, others take prayer and work.  People change, they move on, and they leave you behind.  It is hard to love.  Our culture has this idea that love is some irresistible force, some nice feeling you get towards someone.  Christ, on the other hand, commands us to love!  Through all these experiences, I've found it is only through His grace that you can love even when it hurts.  Just like He did.
  Ugh.  Not again.  Why do I have to do this?  This is so annoying!  Every single week  we have to clean, set up chairs, help little kids- isn't this supposed to be a day of rest?   Thus would go something like my train of thought on Sunday mornings.   Of course, I would do it, with minimal vocal complaining, too, but my heart was not in it.  Over time, I began realizing that God didn't care how straight the rows of chairs were, He didn't care if they were perfectly spaced when I was doing it begrudgingly or giving my brothers a hard time in the process.  It was the heart He wanted!  Once He had that, the neatness would follow. I would be inspired to find more ways to serve, and go out of my comfort zones to do it.  Our best service to God doesn't come when we are just trying to be good Christians and going through the motions; God gives us a changed heart so we can serve Him with gladness!
When our church met for the first time in our little apartment, I thought everything outward was changing.  Dad would be the same, Mom would be the same, my siblings would, I would.  We'd all stay the same inside.  Little did I know the heart changing, world-view adjusting, life-altering internal workings God had in store! There are scores of lessons I have learned from all this, and I'm sure there will be scores more.  Looking back, I can see how God used those situations to grow me, and bring me closer to Him.  I'm so thankful for His mercy, sustaining love, and guidance.  I look forward to continue to follow Him in whatever way He leads.

Friday, June 28, 2013

I know, I know, I haven't been on here FOREVER. But I had to share this giveaway super quick...head over to Simple Delights (a really lovely blog) and check it out!
See you...someday.
Madi ❤

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Dear Senator...(More randomness)

This feeling of doing a meaningful thing, even if its only some little thing... It fills my whole self with this desire to do something big, something great, something important. I'm sitting here thinking. grabbing the pen. putting it down. writing down a word. no, no, that's not right. -Sigh-. 5 minutes later...two sentences. How do you put down into words something so complicated. So important. Yet so simple, and basic? It seems it happens every time I put pen to paper. This time it's to the Senator, to the Governor, to really important people, who know a lot more than me. But when I finally get down what I want to say, however flawed it may be, I feel glad. I did something! Suddenly wanting to watch that movie seems silly. Not taking time to learn about such and such is wasting time...there's so much to do and learn! Everyday I pray and hope that God will work in me, and use me, and yet, even though it's all in His hands- I have to be willing. To do the unknown. Do hard things. (So here I'm rambling on when I meant to write a quick much for that! ) those are some of the things I've been thinking of lately. And you?
Thanking God for all his blessings!
Love to all my friends,

(P.s. check out the Family Policy Institute website to let the Sentor know what you think!)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Randomness :)

So what ever happened to the things I promised to post, you may ask? You may ask. But, unfortunately I have no answer. So, I have something else to share with you for now, to hold you over :D. First a quote by Robert Burns, an 18th century Scotish (<3 face="inherit" font="" nbsp="">poet, and secondly, an amazingly moving video clip from the SAICFF. (In case you don't know, that's the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival, aka. the Christian Oscars. 2013's  Grand Prize winner was 22 year old Bryan Ivie, who won the $101,000 prize for his movie, the Drop Box.) 

First, the Robert Burns paraphrase of Psalm 1.... I posted this for a poem column on my friend's blog and thought I'd share. Here goes... "This month's encouraging poem was written in the 18th century by poet Robert Burns....I hope you enjoy it!

Source: via Madi on Pinterest

Psalm 1 - Paraphrased by Robert Burns

The man, in life wherever plac'd,
Hath happiness in store,
Who walks not in the wicked's way,
Nor learns their guilty lore!

Nor from the seat of scornful pride
Casts forth his eyes abroad,
But with humility ascnd awe
Still walks before his God.

That man shall flourish like the trees,
Which by the streamlets grow;
The fruitful top is spread on high,
And firm the root below.

But he whose blossom buds in guilt
Shall to the ground be cast,
And, like the rootless stubble, tost
Before the sweeping blast.

For why? that God the good adore,
Hath giv'n them peace and rest,
But hath decreed that wicked men
Shall ne'er be truly blest.

As I was thinking about this, it caught my attention how perhaps by paraphrasing this the author was thinking of some specific ways of applying this, (if that makes sense). My point being, that I would like to encourage you each to find a psalm or other passage of the bible and 'paraphrase' it, maybe making some lines stand out in a way that will challenge or remind you of something you need to work on, etc. As you write, meditate on what God is saying here. Remember to walk before God with humility and awe, that you may be truly blest! God bless each one of you!
...Okay, so that wasn't too bad...but I think you will enjoy this!

I hope you enjoyed it!
See you next week...hopefully :)
Love in Christ,

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A word on wheat

I thought I might share a little something I made for an upcoming event...hopefully it's educational? Pinteresting Wednesday coming soon...hopefully a 'Looking Back' coming on the weekend? Thanks for reading :D

Blessings in Christ!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Looking Back: the Puritans

Puritan quote by John Bunyan "You can do more than pray after you've prayed, but you cannot do more than pray until you have prayed."
        Okay, so some of you might be wondering who the Puritans refers to, or you might just skip this post because it looks kinda boring, but bear with me! Unfortunately, I don't have time to write my definition of the Puritans...okay, I don't have an official one- but I have been learning a lot about them, and find it very interesting! So I thought I would share a few of the questions I asked and answered to myself.  Hopefully you like it :)

  Why should we study the Puritans? Studying the Puritans can be beneficial in two ways, first their history. All study of history is enriching as we learn about the church, context, and culture of different eras, and is especially so in this unique time frame (late 16th- early 18th century).  We can also learn a lot by witnessing God's amazing providence displayed in their time. Secondly, we can improve our own Christian walk by learning from the Puritans' maturity, as well as their motives for their way of life.
    What made the Puritans different from those around them? One thing that set them apart was an earnest sense of duty to God. They didn't see this negatively as we may be prone to, but as a joy, and a small thing to give The Lord in return for His great love. It sprung from an honest look at the filthy state of man, compared to God's holy commandments, and resulted in a desire for complete conformity to scriptures in every area. Another element that set them apart was their desire to live life in light of their eternal destination. The living out of each day with a conscious acknowledgment of the vapor-like nature of life, and the vastness of eternity, will likely give anyone a more meaningful, motivated and solemn way of life, though not (in assurance of eternity with Christ) an unhappy one.
    One way we can improve our Christian walk in studying the Puritans is to observe their response to their difficult times. How did they respond to the political and ecclesiastical hardships of the day? First they turned to Scriptures. As sons of the Reformation they had witnessed the transforming power of Sola Scriptura on society. Secondly, they united in faith, practice, and prayer. Although certainly not unanimous in all areas, they had a beautifully deep sense of spiritual brotherhood in Christ. Lastly, they persevered. Even though in God's providence their dream of uniting all England in total reform did not succeed, their lives, families, and churches continued to grow broader and deeper. We can all look up to these godly men, and through their influence gain maturity in our Christian walk.


Oh my! I have sooo much to learn. From my family, from you also, my friends I'm learning and have learned so much! Thank you so much for the wonderful friends you are! Also I'm learning a lot from books from and about men like these. You can just see love for Christ pouring out of everything, their writing, lives, their heritage. I'd really encourage you, if you don't know much about the puritans, to learn more. John Bunyan, John Knox, John Robinson ( okay I'm seeing a theme here!) William Brewster, William Bradford, (another theme!) and others (whew...). Have any of you studied or heard about a specific Puritan/pilgrim who has taught you something? Please leave a comment and let me know! I'd love to hear about the things you are learning. While you're here, you should check out this amazing video about the pilgrims and our founding'll be glad you did!

(Click the picture and it will pull it up on Amazon...) I hope you are encouraged to find the buried treasure in these men's writings, and lives!
THANK YOU my dear readers for taking time to read this, and stay tuned for more Looking Back; the Puritans.

Blessings in Christ!
~ Madi

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Valentine's Day

Hi everyone! I have a sweet little giveaway to over at Simple Delights to direct you to. So head over there to get inspired about Valentine's Day, and enter some lovely Etsy shop giveaways!
Here is a (delicious looking ) bake shop giveaway, and here is a (also 'delicious' looking) 'Bookish Charm' giveaway. I hope you join! (Here are the answers to the questions posted on her blog....)

1). What is your favorite part about Valentines Day?  Well, we don't usually do much for Valentines's Day, except maybe make a special dinner (heart shaped pizza, anyone?) But I would like to learn more about the origins of Valentine's Day (i.e. St. Valentine).
2). Your favorite romantic movie. Hard to say! Does October Baby fit into that category? :)
3). Dark or milk chocolate? Dark! (85% cocoa is THE BEST)
4). What is something you do to make Valentines Day special? Now I'm feeling guilty..
5). Which would you prefer getting as a gift on Valentines Day: Flower or chocolates? Chocolate :)
6). If you're married, what do you enjoy doing with your husband to celebrate? ......
7). If you're single, what do you hope to do with your husband if you get married someday? Spending time with him, and just doing something special :) 

So what are you waiting for! Go check it out!
God bless you all! 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Mountain storms

Another poem...hey I have got something to post at least! Comment if you like...getting bored of poems yet?
God bless you!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Kirk of Christ

Here is another poem I wrote lately, I hope you enjoy it! Also keep our country in your prayers as some new "changes" are being signed by the President- praying God will give us wisdom and guidance!
God bless!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Saturday morning

While all the 'guys' are at a men's meeting.....
I'm at Nonni's house with tea and a good book! What a perfect Saturday morning. (By the way- the second picture is what you (and I) are supposed to picture when I say that :)

Hope you are having a great weekend!

{second picture via-my pinterest }

Friday, January 11, 2013

New changes...?

Just letting you know I am not done trying to fix my blog up (grrr...I wish I could just figure this out!) So sorry! hope to update soon..but for now,

Friday, January 4, 2013

A picture poem post

Hope you enjoy this- one of my funnest writing assignments :)